Sunday, June 14, 2009


The town where we live is a very German town. So naturally, we
celebrate with lots of festivals. Oktobre fest, Wurstfest, etc.
We've had a lot of fun going to all these events, and Maifest
was no exception. We enjoyed the carnival, parade, old
fashioned games, vendors and funnel cake!! Here are a
bunch of pics to commemorate the weekend...

one small happy family

dropping clothes pins in a bottle
washing clothes the old fashioned way

playing lawn darts with corn cobs and feathers

potato sack races

trying to roll an old wagon wheel rim with a stick...not easy

eating free ice cream

gathering candy at the parade

wishing mom wasn't too cheap to let us ride on the train

surviving the torrential downpour at the carnival.
We didn't mind, it meant we didn't
have to wait in line for the rides!!!

hanging out with our friend Christa who flew in from CA to play too

going home after one exhausting day!!!

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